Recently Updated Pages
Low cost floating houses for everyone to have a big community This project is being develo...
SeaPod GT Engineering
Video overview:
Pop Up Spice Rack & Drop down power bar & other applications of similar base tech
Hendrik hagala Below some examples of Drop down power bar Pop-up power socket with s...
Engineering for Earthquake Proof LandPod
Project video link: ...
Telescopic Pod
Project video link: This...
Rotating Pod
We would like to research a potential feature of having a rotating Pod where the entire house c...
Generative Design and BIM Design
Contributors: Diego Ocampo (Preliminary Research) Generative Design and BIM Design Research l...
Concept Vehicle Design & Engineering
Coming soon! This project is being developed as an open-source project with the following l...
Active Cathodic Protection Definitions Electrode A substance tha...
Blackout Blinds
Project video link:
Prefab Floating Structure
Floating Top Seastead Design
1) photo of the platform standing on its own on the ground. 2) a short video floating in the...
Floating Structure Designs
Project Outcome Brainstorm floating structure designs that can be: Built quickly Built inexp...
Curved Sliding Windows
Here is Charlie's latest concept on how to make sliding curved arc patio windows. Here's a video ...
Curved Patio Doors
Project video link:
Defi Mortgage
Ideal Mechanism works like this: People lock up X number of bitcoin or other cryptocurrency for X...
Magnetic Locking Wall Options
Can we have magnetic locking or gecko tape wall options? Possible items include: Pop on LED wa...
SeaPod Protection
Loud sound as a deterent Camera's as a deterent Drones asa deterent Flashing lights as a deter...
Pop Up Sunroof
The vertical rise skylight design: This gives a 60cm rise which would take about 35 seconds with...
Iris Sunroof