Swath Engineering
Desired Outcomes of this Project
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/owehmhkdsiy1glr/AAC5Fm2u8bj58ufDP3DKd_kSa?dl=0The outcome of this project is to evaluate the viability of a swath base design for a boat.
- What
Ikindhaveofmorewavesprojectsthe vessel would be stable in - The payload this can carry
- Make any redesigns that are necessary to make this viable
- Evaluate the maneuverability of the design and how it will react to turning as well
butas what the turn characteristics may be. - Make any redesigns that are necessary to improve the turn characteristics of this
We are using 2 PR212 motors from here: https://static1.squarespace. com/static/ 5d66b3fa2b391600011db85d/t/ 5e25fdc8a29f9d6b4e4bd927/ 1579548110947/Product+ specifications+Propulsion+ motor+168.pdf). I'm also interested in your opinion on what kind of turn characteristics a vessel like this would have?
We are using electric thrusters so we will need space for enough lithium batteries to make 20-40 mile+ trips. Feedback and suggestions on how to modify the swath base to improve buoyancy, stability, maneoverability, etc are very welcome.
The current swath base design (files in multiple formats) are here.
We have a conceptual design for the passenger section (below). You can also check the concept designs here)
We have built a 1:8 scale test model here). This is a 1/8 scale model that we 3D printed and tested in our pool.
We have a full scale size fiberglass model that is about 50% complete but currently on hold.
(UPDATED: March 4, 2021) We are investigating the feasibility of making the passenger section this week.
All of our files are here: https://www.dropbox.com/ sh/owehmhkdsiy1glr/ AAC5Fm2u8bj58ufDP3DKd_kSa?dl=0
Project Prizes
Winner(s) for each level will be judged by Ocean Builders and the Sponsor.
- Level 1: Submit a detailed outline of your proposal. The proposal should detail a realistic plan for the simplest, easiest, and lowest cost method of completing as much of this project as possible and a proposed timeline and cost estimates
Project Management Page
Coming soon
Applicants needed
Project Manager
Grant Romundt (temporary). The main project manager will be announced soon.
This project is being developed as an open-source project with the following licensing:
- Software: GPL-3.0 - https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
- Hardware, Design & other Intellectual Property: CC-BY-SA-4.0 - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/