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Results and Recommendations

Documenting Results

Document your results based on these parameters. 

SizeTotal size of the printer (length x width x height).
Materials/ComponentsList of materials used in building the prototype.
Print materialsList and type of print materials used for printing.
ExtrudersList each type of extruder used.
3D software Name of the 3D application.
Time to build

Time taken to build the prototype (in Engineering Days - including research and meetings). 

Tip: Use Clockify or any other time management tool.

Time to design objectTime taken to design the 3D model.
Time to printTime to print the complete 3D object.


Documenting Recommendations

A detailed report of the recommendation must accompany the results. The recommendation must specify the following:

  • Types of print materials that are suitable for 3D printing
  • Types of extruders that each print material should use
  • Design specifications document for the printer build
  • Recommended 3D software to use
  • Precautions to be taken when setting up the 3D printer
  • Comparison of time taken to print the object on this printer versus a regular 3D printer.