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Contributor Rewards

Tidal Power Generation

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Project Development and Results

Tidal Power Generation

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Main Deliverables of this Project

Tidal Power Generation  This project is being developed as an open-source...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Contributor Rewards

Theft AI

The winning team will get: An all expense paid trip to the Ocean Builders Launch site in Panam...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Project Development and Results

Theft AI

Results The outcomes of this project must be a fully functional system that can identify and tag...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Main Deliverables of this Project

Theft AI

An AI-based system and software that can detect and prevent intruders from entering, damaging or ...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Contributor Rewards

The Coral Reef Collective

The winning team will get: An all expense paid trip to the Ocean Builders Launch site in Panam...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Project Development and Results

The Coral Reef Collective

Results The outcomes of this project must be a fully functional system that can create a coral r...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Main Deliverables of this Project

The Coral Reef Collective

Design a strategy to restore coral reefs by using techniques like micro-fragmenting and 3D printi...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Contributor Rewards

Sustainable AquaCulture

The winning team will get: An all expense paid trip to the Ocean Builders Launch site in Panam...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Project Development and Results

Sustainable AquaCulture

Results The outcomes of this project must be a fully functional algae farm. It must include all ...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Main Deliverables of this Project

Sustainable AquaCulture

Design and build a system that can produce highly nutritious and protein-rich food that can store...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Contributor Rewards

Super Capacitors

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Project Development and Results

Super Capacitors

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Main Deliverables of this Project

Super Capacitors

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Preliminary Research and Documentation

Super Capacitors

Coming soon! This project is being developed as an open-source project with the following li...

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Contributor Rewards

Subsea Observatory

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Project Development and Results

Subsea Observatory

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Main Deliverables of this Project

Subsea Observatory

Updated 2 years ago by Diego

Preliminary Research and Documentation

Subsea Observatory

Project video link:

Updated 2 years ago by Diego