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Sea Grapes


Nori, also known as Laver, is a greenish-red algae that grows in sea water. It is widely used in Asian cuisine and an important ingredient in sushi. They grow naturally in in shallow  waters off the coast of Japan, parts of Asia, and Atlantic Irish Sea. It is cultivated off the sea coast.

Nori is rich in Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, and Zinc. Nori is calcium rich and contains up to 10 times more calcium than milk. It is also rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K, niacin, folic acid and taurine.


Cultivating and Harvesting

Kombu needs sea water and sunlight. Large scale and commercial cultivation of this seaweed is followed in parts of Asia, Europe and the Americas along the sea coast. They also grow naturally in abundance along these coastlines. Harvesters generally harvest them from their natural habitat. The best time to harvest is at low tide. Harvesters wade into the shallow waters and cut the sea weed.

Harvesting is done using using scissors or garden clippers. Pulling of the seaweed from the base is not recommended. Harvesters cut off only about half the size of the seaweed. This allows Dulse to grow back. 

Usually,  after a big storm, piles of fresh seaweed are washed ashore. Harvesters collect these and use them for food.


Consuming and Storing NOri

Nori has a rubbery texture. It can be eaten raw. It is normally dried or roasted and packed for commercial uses. It is mostly added to vegetables, soups, stocks, grains, beans, or stew dishes. It can also be pickled or deep-fried.