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Graphene Desalination




Desired outcomes of this project

Design and build a system that can use graphene or graphene oxide to desalinate sea water and convert it into potable

drinking water.




Graphene, often referred to as wonder material, is a 1-atom thick carbon membrane that is the basic building block for graphite. It is heavily researched and used in various applications including batteries, solar cells, super capacitors, DNA sequencing, display and touch screens, and water filtration among others. Graphene is about 100 times stronger than steel and is excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Graphene also has interesting light absorption abilities - making it a key component in solar cells.

Graphene and Graphite

Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms joined hexagonally. 

This wonder material has unlimited potential when integrated with other elements and can play an important role in almost any industry. Graphene is 

Graphene or graphene oxide membranes can be used to desalinate sea water and make it safe for drinking.


Why this is important

Drinking water



What this Project needs to move forward





Highlights of working on this project




Project Prizes








Preliminary Research and Documentation


Documenting Results and Recommendations




Size of water molecule

Size of virus

Size of bacteria

Size of other colloids

Size if the pore in the graphene oxide membrane

Building the desal system - drawing.

Drawing of the graphene oxide membrane.


This project is being developed as an open-source project with the following licensing: