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Ocean Builders is an open organization with contributors from all over the world. Many of our projects are directly related with our main goal of building innovative floating homes. There are however hundreds of other related projects dealing with marine research, AI, smart home software and IoT, restoring our oceans' life, mechanical engineering, and much, much more.

Most of our projects are fully open source, this affects both software and non-software projects. You will find in this wiki, our file sharing service and our GitHub account, all the documentation ever created for it together with its source code (in the case of software), its blueprints or any other files that are needed to build it yourself.

You can find a list of available projects to apply here:
In this wiki you can find initial research and documentation for all of them here:

You can join any project that is still in


Please check this page to understand better what we do at Ocean Builders and what are our goals.