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Lightning Prevention System


Work in Progress - 

We would like to do one better than having a lightning rod that directs the flow of lightning in the path we want it to go. A better solution is to have lightning prevention.

Here is some information on a potential system that does lightning prevention: and more below:

Some more general information (video)

Lightning Dissipaters are devices that can prevent lightning from striking a structure - as against Franklin rods that absorb the lighting and route it to ground.

Details to follow.

Area that can be covered = (Height of seapod + height of dissipater) * 1.25.

Dimensions - 1.25 x of the area to be protected. 


 Dissipator top view


Dissipator side view


Length of aluminium string - 12 inches.




This project is being developed as an open-source project with the following licensing: