Twilio Integration (Whatsapp)
2 integrations are needed: Twilio and Twilio SMS:
In the configuration.yaml these lines are added
account_sid: !secret twilio_SID
auth_token: !secret twilio_auth_token
the constants !secret twilio_SID and !secret twilio_auth_token are defined in the file secrets.yaml
In Twilio Phone Numbers we need to purchase a number that is able to deliver SMS.
Then in Twilio Console > Messaging > Senders > Whatsapp senders we need to create a new sender which we will link to the Twilio phone number we created and we will need to fill up business information and link our Meta Business account with our Twilio account (that's only for the first sender, later we should in theory be able to add more for the same Twilio + Meta account).